GM TBI w/ turbo

Michael Yager yagerm1 at
Thu Feb 20 20:46:27 GMT 1997

Ok mabey i was a little foolish in my desired hp output of 300 hp without
a turbo from a 2.5L 4cyl.   OK i have see my error(s).

Has any one turbo charged a 2.5 before with any sucess? comments?
draw through set-up or push through set-up?  DFI ?
I like the idea of fuel inrichment via extra injector....
I have been following the discussion on alternate fuels and which is
easier? will a nozzel plumbed into pressureized side work?

(Turbo being used is from 3.8 Buick )

Main question... has any one turbo charged this particular engine?

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| |\/| | | |/ / _ \  \ V / _` |/ _` |/ _ \ '__|      yagerm1 at 
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Two wrongs can make a right when done properly.

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