Opinions on DFI Systems...

Mark Eidson mark.eidson at tempe.vlsi.com
Tue Feb 25 22:26:56 GMT 1997

I have a holley 4DI and it uses the similar size fuel, 16x16, and ignition,
8x8, maps.  The RPM scale for the fuel is programmable, with the ignition
scale moving accordingly but the MAP scale on the fuel and TPS scale on the
ignition are fixed.  There seems to be may places on the maps that are and
will never be used so the ability to change the scales based on your
specific application might be useful.  The maps seem to work well for the
type of street driving I do with a 1 bar MAP sensor.  The fuel map might not
be granular enough if the MAP range is 3 bar.  me

>Question to the list:  Is the map granular enough? 15 X 16 ?  and the 
>ignition is only 8 X 8 ??  I have no idea if this is adequate or not.
>cheers fellow gear heads
* Mark Eidson                        Voice: (602)752-6513                 *
*                                      Fax: (602)752-6000                 *
* Manager System Integration and      Home: (602)831-6079                 *
*   Verification                    E-Mail:  mark.eidson at tempe.vlsi.com   *
* VLSI Technology, Inc.                                                   *
* 8375 South River Parkway                                                *
* M/S 265                                                                 *
* Tempe, Arizona     85284                                                *

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