More TPI questions

peter paul fenske pfenske at
Sat Jan 18 00:54:44 GMT 1997

At 03:58 PM 1/17/97 -0500, you wrote:
>I'm working with an 85' Corvette TPI.
>I'm still looking for the "magic" hardware answer.
>Can a stock 85' Corvette TPI be retrofitted with the 86'-89' ECM?
>In other words, did GM change the TPI unit in any way
>(besides the ECM and wiring harness) between 85' and '86.
>Thanks in advance,

Hi Jeff. 

In a nutshell yes. You need to wire in a two MAF burn off relays.
You can't use the bosch burnoff controller. You need a new #165
ecm. and your appropriate calibration. 

FYI I've run the 85 setup using a 91 ECM with Map. Fine tune 
the fuel pressure with a adjustable reg. There are some "minor"
injector differences in flow rate.

You will also have to disable the cold start with 89 cal.

GL: peter

Ps if you get rid of that 870 ecm think of me. Got a couple of
165s with cal if anyone wants. Will take 730s too.

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