Electromotive TPI
Mazda Ebrahimi
kleenair at ix.netcom.com
Sat Jan 18 03:28:32 GMT 1997
Marc2365 at aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 97-01-16 22:29:01 EST, you write:
> >
> > I had a similar experience with them about seven years ago. Every
> > problem was related to the vehicle according to them. The system would
> > not read RPM consistantly at cranking speed and they insisted the crank
> > pick-up wheel (supplied by them) was out of round. After machining it
> > myself the first time, I took it to the physics department machine shop,
> > where they rounded it to .0001 (yes that's the right number of zeros)
> > and the system still did not work. Finally I towed the whole damn truck
> > to their shop and showed them. They had to make some modifications to
> > the box to make it work. What made it worse was that their attitude
> > sucked (excuse the language).
> I've seen so many negative responses regarding Electromotive, I can't
> believe they're still in business! Is it because of idiots like me who
> purchase the product prior investigating it properly (with people like you
> on this newsgroup)?
> Marc
> 86 GTI Tec II
Actually, their product sounds pretty good on paper. It offers fairly
good features for the price, and it was even more impressive six or
seven years ago, when groups like this didn't exist. My problem was not
so much with the system, but their product support. Anyway, I obviously
fell for the same thing, so that makes two of us!
Best Regards, Mazda
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