an eec plan
George Najarian
najay at
Thu Jul 17 16:56:34 GMT 1997
<sorry if the vagueness - I want provide info without violating any NDA's>
What about replacing the 8061 and proprietary EPROM with a 68332 and flash?
We can eliminate all of the uncertainty of the 8061, and are only left with
reverse engineering the analog stuff (and writing EFI code, of course).
This might be a more reasonable course of action, and avoid all the nasty
copyright issues.
I have heard of this being done to as least one EEC (please don't bug me
for details ... I can't provide them).
At 09:24 PM 7/16/97 -0500, Tom Cloud wrote:
>what do most of us (with Fords) want?
>For myself, I'd like to be able to fiddle with all the
>things I used to be able to do when it was carbs and
>points. Actually, it's more fun now -- if one could
>get to the software and knew what the hardware was.
>I propose:
> - a "generic" eec replacement .... one that plugs onto
>the cable and takes inputs and gives outputs ... one where
>the software is public domain (sorta like the efi-332 project)
> - I propose that it is most logically a modified eec-iv that
>will accomplish this end
> - you could do what I said above -- and get as sophisticated
>as you wanted
> - if the software was public domain, the knowledge would
>spread beyond our group(s) and the sophistication of performance
>freeks, in general, would go up -- and that's a good thing, though
>there will be whineys that will worry about so much knowledge
>in the hands of "hot-rodders"
> - we'll actually finally be free to experiment and perfect
>our vehicles like we want to -- and not be limited by someone
>else's contraption -- no matter how well thought out -- that
>will never quite do exactly what "I" want it to (plus
>I'll only have myself to blame when it doesn't work ;-)
> - replacement eec's will become very scarce 8^)
> - lotsa work to pull this together, including finding out
>how all the little gizmos in different years and models
>work so the software can be made to read them and so the
>hardware can drive them
> - probably a major software project ?? (there's lots
>of knowledge out there already) consider that, IMHO,
>probably 80% of the code in the eec-iv is unrelated to
>making your car "GO" -- it's probably related to the
>"adaptive learning" (darn, *I* do that now) and diagnostic
>features (and who knows what else) of the eec. Don't
>get me wrong, I'd love to have all those things, but
>they're not necessary. To get yourself way up the curve
>of diminishing returns, all you really need is sensors
>for rpm, tps and MAP. Then you need fuel maps or some
>other way of modifying the fuel flow for specific engine
>and hop-up configurations. That's just the software.
>Obviously, the hardware would be more difficult -- but
>we've already got an eec-iv. Now if only we could
>know about the hardware in it and how to program it ???
> - assuming that the hardware in the eec-iv is similar
>enough across all models that we can find one or several
>that will work for most applications (that could be
>a daunting task in itself) we'd have to have basic code
>that'd run the vehicle in at least a basic mode until
>refinements could be made -- but consider that even a
>MAF vehicle could have a SD program in it that just ignored
>the MAF (the only serious problem I see with this would
>be puffers)
>miscellaneous thoughts:
> - All I'm saying is that, given reasonable objectives, I
>think we can crack the eec-iv and put our own code into
>it and have a resultant that is superior to, and far less
>expensive than, any aftermarket system (I'm not talking about
>engine mods like heads and cams and stuff -- you'd have to do
>those with any other system you bought).
> - This is possible using the GM controller (there's lots
>of data on it and people who've already put it onto
>Ford products, replacing the eec-iv -- and one I know
>of (on diy-efi ... George, it's you, isn't it?) that swears
>by this method)
> - heck, something like the efi-332 project controller
>could be made to work
> - using a different controller would require either
>cutting the connector off the harness or splicing into
>it or finding a source for the eec connector
> - a major point that would determine the feasability of
>using the eec-iv as the workbench for this is
> - do all eec-iv's ( regardless of the model) use the
> same, or similar, pinouts
> - how do different options (like MAF, etc) fit into
> the connection scheme
> - how much variability is there in various sensors
> ( like MAP, temp, tps, rpm pickoff, MAF, etc) and
> actuators (like injectors and throttle bypass, etc)
> ... can a single eec or other controller be reasonably
> expected to read the inputs and control the outputs
> of the diverse range of years and models and options
> that exist in the Ford line ??
>Now that I've posted the op-codes for the 8061/3 and there's
>an assembler written, we can begin to get to work. Also,
>remember that I've posted a collection of technical data
>on the eec (and I've got a greatly revised and better version
>that I've not had the time to finish that is "imminent" --
>that's what I said 6 months or so ago)
>A great help would be if some of the people who've pioneered
>in this area, like Mike W. and others, would share a little more
>(Mike's already shared a bunch) -- e.g. about the questions I
>raise above (and, in particular, about the configuration of the
>hardware, like the VLSI, and variations, etc on the eec and
>in external hardware).
> - how different -- or similar -- are the various eec hardware
>configurations ??
> - is it unreasonable to expect to find one (or several) eec's
>that could be programmed to accept data from a variety of
>versions of sensors and to output to the same variety ?
>We need a FAQ on the eec's and on the various sensors
>and actuators.
>We will need a FAQ on software drivers that do various
>Also, some of the members of these lists work for Ford.
>If you know how we can ask corporate for help to accomplish
>this, I think it'd help Ford, not hurt them. We're not
>interested in pirating their code (though it is in the
>boxes we own), but in playing with our expensive toys we
>bought from them.
>I need your help to get this going .... anyone ?
> ================================================
> ================================================
>I'm not on fordnatics or any Mustang, Mercur, Lightning,
>T-Bird, etc list -- only BigBroncos, eec-iv and diy-efi,
>so if some of you, who are on those lists, would spread this
>around, maybe we can get some action.
>FYI -- to join the eec-iv list (an unofficial subset of diy-efi)
> ===============
>Subscription info is on the eec-iv web page at:
>or e-mail the list admin, Paul Nowak, directly at
> Paul Nowak <p-nowak at>
> ===============
>for eec-iv info, check out:
>Tom Cloud <cloud at>
George Najarian | '95 Ford Mustang GTS Cobra (14.07/100.81)
najay at | '86 Ford Mustang GT Convertible (15.0/92) Team.Net (Solo II E/SP)
Najay Engineering - Custom EEC reprogramming service available.
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