EFI332 Fuel Pump On/Off Algorithm
Tom Cloud
cloud at peaches.ph.utexas.edu
Mon Jun 9 20:15:23 GMT 1997
>> Does the EFI332 project plan on implementing an algorithm to
>> control the fuel pump (relay)? From what I understand about
>> OEM ecmm's, they turn off the fuel pump if the engine hasn't
>> started for X seconds.
> There is a simple algorithm in the efi code on the web site
> which checks for crank motion during the attempt to get synch.
> If there has been no motion for x seconds (x a user input),
> then the pump is turned off via a relay controlled by the
> octal serial chip. When synch is achieved, the pump is turned
> back on and stays on as long as there is synch. If the crank
> were to stop, there would be loss of synch and the logic
> would return to the 'get synch' loop and again cut off the pump if
> no motion in x seconds. An alternate way of checking would be
> to use a watchdog timer. As for the timeout, I believe Electromotive
> uses 20 seconds. I don't know what the oems use - but FORD has
> an inertia switch to kill the pump in the event of an accident;
> since I have a **very** high flow pump, I intend to implement
> this idea also.
the Holley ProJection uses pulses from the ignition -- if none
after something like 10 seconds, then the pump relay opens
(a retriggerable 555 or 74123 monostable will achieve this)
and some use the oil pressure switch -- loss of pressure
kills the pump (AND-ed with the ignition switch, so it'll
run while starting and then timing out and looking for oil
Tom Cloud <cloud at peaches.ph.utexas.edu>
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