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peter paul fenske pfenske at
Sun Jun 15 21:14:20 GMT 1997

Hi Brian

I haven't done much with the program lately.
I need to write the code to take the variables and display
them on the screen

I wus hoping someone else would do daat but id doesn't
look like it.

For me it is largely a tool to interrogate the
various ecms and pcms I play with.

With a bit of a rewrite it would work similiar to diacom.

Mind you it is only designed to work with 8192 or 9600 baud ecms

The interface which is in tango format works good.

Make sure your using gcar2 as this allows data transfers to file.


At 02:51 PM 6/15/97 -0500, you wrote:
>It's been a couple of weeks:
>What's going on with Peter Paul Fenske's program/interface lately.  What
>can I send my 3.8 liter ECM/PCM to pull data?  What is the data format??

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