Fuel injector cleaner
Terry Hartman
txhartma at spdmail.spd.dsccc.com
Fri Jun 20 13:28:10 GMT 1997
> From: Fred Miranda <fcmtb at ix.netcom.com>
> >I talked to some guys at Bosch once about this at an engineering thing
> >(they had a display with injectors disassembled etc.) and they basically
> >told me that any of the cleaning products you added to a tank were pretty
> >much useless. They told me that anything that gets through the injector
> >gets through it so fast that it would be unlikely to remove any deposits on
> >the far side, and that the screens on the fuel rail side were tight enough
> >that nothing that could get through them could stick the injector open.
> Well, isn't that just like saying the gas gets through it so fast that no
> deposits
> can form in the first place.
> Surely if deposits can form slowly over time, they can be removed over
> time(hopefully less) with the proper solvent.
> Fred
FWIW, I use a "kit" that I bought mail-order from Summit Racing. Its
made by Sutton. Basically, you disable the fuel pump. Run the motor
to drain the rail(or bleed it off carefully), then connect
an adapter to the rail and to a concentrated detergent in a pressurized
can. Open the valve and start the motor & run at idle until it dies.
Then just disconnect the Sutton hose & re-enable the fuel pump &
you're done..... I have no idea if this actually helps keep the
injectors clean or not though.... YMMV....
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