Recommend a good `scope for viewing injector pulses??

Frederic Breitwieser frederic.breitwieser at
Mon Jun 23 16:04:27 GMT 1997


Hello Chris...

If you are frugal like me, you want to borrow a friend's scope or purchase 
one at a flea market.  I managed to do that many years ago and still have 
the thing.  Works well, up to about 5 Mhz which seems to be more than 
adequate for automotive and ECM usage.

I have a 4-channel scope card for my Toshiba 5300 (the old (1) 16 bit slot, 
orange plasma display thing) which works well, however unless your PC is in 
your garage, or a "luggable" like my Toshiba which has a PC slot, you might 
run into a fustrating experience.  I'd think by now they have PCMCIA 
oscilloscope cards, but I haven't looked recently so I'm out of date as to 
what is available.  I got the four channel card through a college discount 
a long time ago, and the notebook used, but it works very well, and was 
reasonable in cost.

Frederic Breitwieser
HomeBrew Automotive Mailing List
Bridgeport Connecticut

From: 	Chris Wilson
Sent: 	Wednesday, June 18, 1997 3:35 PM
To: 	diy_efi at
Cc: 	chris at
Subject: 	Recommend a good `scope for viewing injector pulses??

Can someone recommend a good cheap,worldwide brand (we are in the UK)
scope for viewing EFI injector pulse width?

I just need something with reasonable resolution,that is cheap to buy and
easy to use.

Has anyone any experiences with these cards for computers that allow one
to use them as a scope,together with grabbing the screen picture and / or
storing the information?

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