Turbo Talk... & HKS Controllers

jpearl at qsihome0.qsi.com jpearl at qsihome0.qsi.com
Tue Mar 25 02:07:00 GMT 1997

You said {On a more EFI ish note, has anyone had any experience with
boost controllers such as HKS or their own designs? Just a project I
am thinking about .}

I have one of these beasts. It's nice, has pretty colors, and six months of
use later the solenoid under the hood (stepper motor I think) gave up the
ghost. I've not yet called HKS (shudder) but I'm sure they'll want some
cash to fix it (sigh). When it worked it was great but after it went bad I
was back to stock boost and stock response (which is great anyway). To do
it again I'd probably go mechanical unless I wanted to get really fancy.
I'd think list members here could build or design something as

jvp at qsi.com

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