2 stroke Water injection
Frederic Breitwieser
frederic.breitwieser at mcione.com
Thu May 1 05:11:24 GMT 1997
Good suggestion(s) there Stephen, I came up with the tank idea simply
because at some point, I might be doing the same thing to avoid detonation,
and my initial pan was to use a tank. I believe you are correct in that
NO2 is somewhat corrosive, therefore if that's the case, using it for water
components might work. I'm sure a call to NOS or another brand would
resolve that issue. I'd also bet the same type of valving product is
available in the market somewhere else. Valve solenoids are used in
everything from tractors to robotics.
-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Dubovsky [SMTP:dubovsky at vt.edu]
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 1997 12:20 AM
To: diy_efi at coulomb.eng.ohio-state.edu
Subject: RE: 2 stroke Water injection
Just a thought, but there are electrically controlled hydraulic valves
good to 3000+ psi. Many of them are made out of stainless I believe so
they should stand up to water. If the pumps are of similar construction,
you might be able to purchase one and get a small motor to run it up to the
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