Holley Red fuel pump

Seth Allen n9540517 at cc.wwu.edu
Wed May 7 05:55:02 GMT 1997

On Wed, 7 May 1997, Bruno! wrote:

> Date: Wed, 7 May 1997 00:18:10 +1000 (EST)
> From: Bruno! <b.marzano at student.canberra.edu.au>
> To: diy_efi at coulomb.eng.ohio-state.edu
> Subject: Holley Red fuel pump
> Hi all,
> I got my hands on a holley red not too long ago, and put it near the fuel 
> tank etc, with filter on input side, return line and all, and is working 
> perfectly. 
> The one thing that REALLY is bugging me is the fact that the 
> pulsating action of the pump is making the steel fuel lines in my car 
> resonate, and i would like to remedy this problem somehow. I was thinking 
> of putting a low-pressure fuel filter on the output side to act as a 
> damper on the fuel pressure. If there is a better solution (hopefully 
> using the pump still - i don't want to get rid of it so soon) or something 
> designed to do the job then i would gladly appreciate the enlightenment. 
> Thanks.
> 		Bruno. (b.marzano at student.canberra.edu.au)
> 	"I subsisted quite nicely on the bean soup you left in the
> 	 large tureen in the room with the sink and the shower"
I have a solution, but you're not gonna like it.  VW CIS cars have an 
accumulator of sifferent sizes 20cc, 40cc etc.  The help damp out 
pressure variations and are good for over 75 psi, probably double that. 
They aren't free, a new one for a VW was about $80 last time I bought 
one.  You might be able to get a cheap early rabbit one for a lot less, 

Good luck,


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