Electrical Supercharger

LotusM50 at aol.com LotusM50 at aol.com
Sat May 10 04:30:43 GMT 1997

In a message dated 97-05-09 21:04:21 EDT, smeade at deltanet.com (Steve Meade)

<< 1. Doesn't change engine rom at all!
 	2. Relies on knock sensor to "save their butts -- Land Shark" and doesn't
 retard timing by itself.
 	3. Uses an adjustable rising rate fuel pressure regulator for extra fuel.
 	These are serious technical flaws, in a Dinan Supercharger ($$$) one gets
 the following:
 	1. New higher rate fuel injectors
 	2. Custom made and dynoed engine fuel map and timing for the kit
 	3. Recalibrated mass air flow sensor. >>

1) worth about $300
2) worth, what is the software worth?
3) worth $150 max

Can these three things be worth an extra $3000???

The Sebring kits may be flawed but idf they get you 90% of the way there for
$2000, that's not a bad deal.  You have to think long and hard about an extra
$200- 3000 foethat extra 10%

It must be that Dinan knows that BMW owner have deep pockets....

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