Ceramic coat exhaust

Tom Cloud cloud at peaches.ph.utexas.edu
Wed May 14 14:47:34 GMT 1997

>>If you want to keep the heat inside the exhaust pipes , then have them
>>ceramic coated. Ceramic keeps the heat in, smooths out the surface prolongs
>>the life of the pipe & looks good. The only down side is the cost
>>John Firkins
>Thanks- what is involved with that? Is it just a matter of cleaning the 
>metal, painting on the glaze and fireing it? I have friends in ceramic 
>classes who could fire them for me:)
>Mario T

Eastwood sell stuff for that -- airbrush on and bake at
350 F or so

think it's www.eastwood.com ???

Tom Cloud <cloud at peaches.ph.utexas.edu>

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