Exhaust temp sensors

Ross Myers ponty at axis.jeack.com.au
Fri May 16 14:27:06 GMT 1997

>  Has anyone tried thermosensors on individual exhaust pipes, to monitor 
> the exhaust temps for more analytical data? They could return the optimum 
> exhaust temp (600F?),any higher could be interpreted as 'too lean'. This 
> could be another cheap engine tuning tool? Or wont it? It will not be 
> immediate or instantanious, but could show differences in each cylender, 
> providing the thermosensors are of high quality and equally accurate.
> Mario T.

Well alot of drag racing teams use a Cygnus Data Logger to do just 
this (amongst other logs), You are correct in saying they provide a 
method of Lean/Rich, I believe the sensors are made by VDO.
I've seen some of the graphs logged on a Cygnus referring to Exhaust 
temp, and you can certainly see a 'lazy' cylinder. Sometimes 1 
cylinder may not be firing nice at the start line (colder temp), then 
as soon as the run starts it will rise in temp just like the others, 
however if it doesn't, your probably rich, got poor combustion etc.

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