ALDL Interface
peter paul fenske
pfenske at
Sat May 31 00:37:13 GMT 1997
Hi Mark.
It is in tango schematic form. Software which is used in
our school here.
Sorry but when I can some time I will convert it to another
At 07:44 PM 5/29/97 -0500, you wrote:
>At 12:08 AM 5/22/97 -0700, you wrote:
>>Hi All
>>Seems I made a tiny error in my schematic and omitted one
>>of the base resistors.
>>Here is the corrected one.
>>Ps i will post the c code for the comm prog in a bit
>>Attachment Converted: c:\eudora\attach\ECMCOM.S01
>Hi, I've been watching this list for some time now and early on I saw a
>schematic for a pc to ALDL interface but my printer was down and so I
>figured I could always get it back. Well I'm not able to find it. Then I
>read your message about your interface and Hooray!! Me thinks "Here we go".
>However I can't seem to find any source for the Tango schematic converting
>software. I did find something called Tango at which
>I beleive is a sort of super universal converter. Is this what I'm after?
>Please help. Thank you for your time and keep on coming with the work you've
>been doing. It sure will save me steps when I do get my interface going.
> Thanks
> Mark O'Hara
> moh at
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