Oz Pulse Fuel Injection.

Robert Harris bob at bobthecomputerguy.com
Sun Nov 2 18:51:06 GMT 1997

Totally bored - so actually checked out DIY_EFI home page.  Has a link to Split 
Cycle Tech which is pushing "Pulse Fuel Injection"  where a pulse of air breaks 
up the fuel stream into itty bitty little teeny tiny particles.  Apology due to 
Terry Martin, I finally think I understand where he was coming from.  Assuming 
this is not bright yellow page technology, has anyone ever used these injectors 
or are they as when Bill Gates announces new software "under design" i.e. Vapor 
Ware.  Scary part is they sorta make sense - either that or I'm getting senile. 
If you have, would you mind sharing the results.  Since one of my vehicles 
already has 100 psi air available, might give it a try.   Course knowing my 
luck, might only be available to mega-buck shops or those with high profile 
research grants.

If the first ingredient ain't Habanero, then the rest don't matter.
Other Obsessions: Ferro-Equinary , 1972 "Killer Whale" Mustang
Currently Interred in the Peoples Democratic Republic of California - with the 
best national government Chinese money can buy.
Puck da guns - ban Politicians!!!!!
Robert Harris <bob at bobthecomputerguy.com>

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