EFI Mapping

Alex White ascent at tartarus.uwa.edu.au
Fri Nov 14 01:11:49 GMT 1997

I'm realtively new to the way that EFI is programmed, and would like 
to know specifics about the "mapping" system that is used (I presume) 
to read injector pulse widths and timing advances for specific rpm, 
air volume, temperature and O2 sensor levels.

Why mapping?
Surely some maths could have been used (simultaneous differential 
equations) to determine the optimum curves for these parameters, then 
a simple mathematical operation would be required to calculate the 
desired parameters. Surely this is a more conservative method (in 
terms of memory, adaptability) to perform this operation?

All apologies for any inherent misunderstanding, please put me on the 
right track if appropriate..


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