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Dave Williams dave.williams at chaos.lrk.ar.us
Tue Oct 28 23:02:45 GMT 1997

-> Once upon a time (around 1953..I think), in a galexy far far away, an
-> electrical engineer proposed using electronics to meter fuel into an
-> engine. The mechanicle engineers who heard this thought it was a
-> joke. The EE took them for a ride in his electronicly injected '53
-> buick and the rest is history. Yes, that was in 1953AD.

 Ah, that would've been the Bendix Electrojector.  I believe Bosch
licensed that technology while Detroit played with Rochester's
mechanical injection system.

 As I remember the Electrojector was a box about the size of a medium TV
set and consumed almost as much power.  Looking back with the advantage
of history we can see how it was a marvelous indicator of things to
come.  However, the engineers who laughed were right - electronic fuel
injection could never have been more than a toy given the technology of
the day.  And even then analog EFI was a side road.

 It took several major technological advances before EFI-as-we-know-it
could be developed, none of which could have been forseen in 1953.

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