o2 sensors in Australia

Tom Cloud cloud at peaches.ph.utexas.edu
Mon Sep 15 14:12:24 GMT 1997

>>2) aftermarket. I haven't done *too* much looking in this department,
>>only that i've found a couple of exhaust shops want 150 bucks for an
>>unheated o2 senor, and about 250 for a heated one (i think).
>These prices are ridiculous.  The best I've been able to do is:
>$A90 - single wire (unheated)
>$A150 - three wire (heated)
>These are a 'generic' type (FuelMiser) via a friendly local auto parts
>supplier, who gets all his stuff from Repco (well, these anyway).
>I've also looked into importing some from the US, but there is only a
>marginal saving once you take the conversion factor and shipping into
>Steve Lamb

Steve, did you check out the site I gave you ??

        Partlink at aol.com

Tom Cloud

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