wicked squeaks, possibly TPEFI related

Frederic Breitwieser frederic.breitwieser at mcione.com
Mon Sep 22 00:29:28 GMT 1997

>What ever is causing the squeak is definitly vacumme related. I checked 
>PVC vales, clean as a wistle and free.  The evidence suggest that there is 
>ported vacuume leak from the manifold to the crankcase and that the 

While it might be EGR related, I would first put the vehicle in park with
the emergency brake on, and while its squeeking, pull the vaccuum hose off
your power brake booster.  Its very possible that the EGR fibulation (if it
is that) can be caused by a leaking power brake vaccuum resevior.  Also, on
most GM vehicles, there is a vaccuum canister that "stores" vaccuum, which
can result in the same thing.

The squeeking, if it is the EGR valve itself, is unlikely to be a
fibulation, or modulation of the valve, but rather vaccuum leaking past, or
causing a partial open.close condition.

On my 69 Ford Convertible, which has the old cast iron 390, the vaccuum
canister (which was a 1/2 gallon Dole Peaches Can, so it seemed) leaked and
caused all sorts of funny noises.  After replacing the can, all the
whistling noises went away.  Whistling, not squeeling.

Good luck :)


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