Q-jet in the 9's?

B.E. Herron beh_jh at transport.com
Fri Sep 26 04:40:56 GMT 1997

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Tholey <pft101 at psu.edu>
To: diy_efi at coulomb.eng.ohio-state.edu <diy_efi at coulomb.eng.ohio-state.edu>
Date: Tuesday, September 23, 1997 11:41 PM
Subject: Q-jet in the 9's?

>        Lastly I am not sure If you last sentence is a complement or a dig.
>But I am used to arguing with people because of my age.  I am usually
>at as a "snot nosed kid" when I speak with older car enthusiasts.  As with
>the above mentioned Mr. Dicks, he will not even talk to me about FI because
>it is new style techno-crap.  I feel that one must have an appreciation for
>all cars and realize when one is being set in his ways or bullheaded.  Too
>often people do not learn from such conversations and remain in ignorance
>rather admit they may be wrong.
>(this is not directed to anyone here)
>                ----|------||------|----
>                    --|------[]------|--
>                            0/  \0


Not a dig at all.  Based on what I've read, you do indeed know more about
carbs than I do (LOTS more).   I am by no means any type of expert on carbs.
My comments were based on a friend who races and follows stock eliminators
closely.  Most cars in the 9's are running big blocks.  One thing I forgot
to mention was the cam can have any duration as long as lift is stock.  How
stock stock is depends on who is reading the rule book.  remember, "it's not
cheating unless you get caught" according to some people.  I also am here to
learn about things I have little knowledge about (QJ single float bowl and
weak needle and seat)  such as efi, etc.

Paul and Steve:

I also think efi is the way of the future and think the pluses it brings to
the equation far outweigh the negatives (more electronic complexity).  As
far as tuning changes at the track, the only experience I have is with a
circle track car, where very little was ever required in the way of tuning
at the track.  Too much time was spent on trying to get the thing to hook
up.  If my comments were taken as digs, I apologize.  Look forward to more
knowledge quests in the future.

'66 Mustang Fastback     '73 Camaro RS

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