high rpm "popping" sound

dzorde dzorde at geocities.com
Wed Apr 8 05:44:15 GMT 1998

Try putting a scope on the tacho signal to the computer, its possible the
signal starts to get noisy and the computer suddenly gets extra pulses and
actually hits the rev limiter, despite you not even being close to the
limiter value.  

At our last event a D-type jag had this problem, at 4300 rpm it sounded like
it was sitting on the rev limiter.  Turned out his crank trigger signal
(magnetic) was getting too large in amplitude and it was causing the
computer to mis-read the true rpm, told him to go back to the people that
installed his system and get them to install a filter circuit on the tacho
line.  Guess I'll find out at the next event if I cured his problem, I would
think so as I initially had this problem on my own car with the chev HEI.

Dan     dzorde at geocities.com

>My rev limiter is set at 6350 rpm.  Way too high, but far away from
>where my problem is occuring.
>Andy Quaas

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