DFI open/closed loop problems
rbraun at mail.enter.net
rbraun at mail.enter.net
Wed Apr 8 13:41:23 GMT 1998
The below is correct...
> I don't think that the 2000 rpm high limit is really an upper
> limit for closed loop operation. I believe that the high limit is the RPM
> that much be reached before the DFI will switch into closed loop (while
> RPM is increasing) and the low limit is the RPM that much be reached
> (while RPM is decreasing) before the DFI goes to open loop. Having two
> values just keeps the DFI from constantly switching back and forth between
> open and closed loop like it would if there was only 1 RPM limit for
> closed loop operation. If my understanding is correct, your setup would
> have to go up to 2000 RPM before closed loop operation would begin. It
> would then stay in closed loop until it dropped below 750 rpm. If it did
> drop below 750 and come out of closed loop it would then require the
> engine to reach 2000 RPM again before going back into closed loop. I hope
> someone will correct me if I am wrong in my understanding of these two
> limit settings. The manual isn't very clear about them.
Randy Braun rbraun at enter.net
91 GTA
82 Firebird
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