Mike Jones
rmjones at
Fri Apr 10 16:40:20 GMT 1998
Exactly what I meant -- I was emphasizing the EGR aspect, but that is
indeed the crossover. So what do you think? Enough flow for timely O2
Mike J.
Shannen wrote:
>>You know, I just had an idea. Does your intake manifold
have an exhaust crossover? Are you using it or is it
plugged? Might be an optimum place to put a heated ego
sensor. Plus would raise some eyebrows...
Mike Jones wrote:
> Well, I did it. I purchased a Holley 4D system for my 351W-powered boat.
> I've changed my mind (again) and will try and fit the O2 sensor somehow.
> Question: My EGR port (Edelbrock Performer manifold) is blanked off. A
> perhaps stupid question, but does anyone have a feel for whether there
> would be enough 'fresh' exhaust (now there's a concept), perhaps due to
> firing order pulsation, that sensing the EGR port for O2 content would
> work? My own intuition is telling me to try and figure out a more
> conventional solution...
> Thanks,
> Mike Jones
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