
Bruce Plecan nacelp at
Fri Apr 17 01:44:24 GMT 1998

There seem to be a fair amount of interest in this which I think
is a good thing, but I think a bit early.  The O2 looks to be close to
a done deal, and the 101 is hardly off the ground.
  As for making it accessible, MHO is make it for the lowest common
denomenator.  The trouble with this whole net thing is that it is soo
computer related.  I read posts about settings for e-mail that I have
to write to other folks to find out what the heck people are even talking
  The whole purpose of 101 is to put the info in a format where any
one tuning in can figure out where we're at.  For the average Joe 
who is better with a wrench then a keyboard.  The EE, and software
types can do this stuff, but we ain't all wired that way.  
  If this ain't tech enough for you then there's 332.  Heck I can't even
read the stuff.  They have it so wrapped up in zip'd slp'd dkkmeng'd
dkmgnd"d, that it's only for the club that understands the language.
  Please what ever ya do keep it accessible for everyone.

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