1227747 pinout

Bruce Plecan nacelp at bright.net
Sat Apr 18 14:33:04 GMT 1998

For those of you working on the bench 747 part of the Prog 101,
or those of your swapping to one here is a pinout.
The * means optional, or emission related

A1     drk grn/wht     Fuel pump relay
A2     Brn                 Air Port*
A3     Grn/Yel          Canister Purge*
A4     Gray               EGR*
A5     brn/wht           SES Light
A6     pnk/blk           Ign power
A7     Tan/Blk          MT/Shift, or TCC*
A8     orgn               Serial Data
A9     Wht/Blk         Diagnostic Test
A10   brn                 VSS
A11  blk/Pnk          MAP Grnd
A12  Blk/Wht          ECM Grnd

B1     orgn               Battery
B2     Tan/Wht        fuel pump input
B3     blk/red           Dist ref low
B5     ppl/wht           Distr  ref pulse
B7     blk                  EST  Retard
B8     Grn                A/C Signal*
B10  org/blk            P/N Switch

C3-6  blu/grn's        IAC
C8    Drk Grn          4th gear switch*
C9    ppl/wht           Crank
C10  yel                  Coolant temp
C11  lt grn              Map
C13  Drk Blu         TPS
C14  gry                 5v ref (sensors)
C16  orng              battery

D1+2 blk               grounds
D4    wht                Spark timing out
D5    tan/blk          Ign mod bypass
D6    tan                Ox ref low
D7    ppl                Ox sesnor high
D15+16                Injector
D14+C15             Injector 

If anyone finds an error please yell right away (other than 

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