Return of the diy_EGOmeter (YES, it's finally ALIVE!!)

Steve Baldwin steveb at
Sat Apr 18 22:23:17 GMT 1998

> After all, the posts are public domain

Posts are NOT in the public domain. They are copyrighted by the 
originator unless there is a statement by that person to put them 
into the public domain. There is no requirement to put any copyright 
mark on anything you write but it is useful if you want to defend it.

However, copyright only protects against copying. If you use the 
information in a circuit to determine how the sensor works and come 
up with something original (which may be extremely similar), 
copyright doesn't stop you from doing it. Preventing that requires 
other measures.

[I'm no lawyer and this advice is worth what you are paying for it]


Steve Baldwin                Electronic Product Design
TLA Microsystems Ltd         Microcontroller Specialists
PO Box 15-680, New Lynn
Auckland, New Zealand        ph  +64 9 820-2221
email: steveb at      fax +64 9 820-1929

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