Introduction - Don Berry

Don Berry donbe at
Mon Apr 20 21:04:06 GMT 1998

		Hello, I'm Don Berry and I have been a list member for a
couple of weeks. I am very impressed with the "quality to noise ratio" of
this list. I am a Sr. Network Engineer for Microsoft and responsible for
internal corporate networks outside of the US. My passion is drag racing and
I have a 9 second '67 Camaro, a couple of show cars an a '64 Chevy II as my
daily driver.

		Currently I am in the engineering stages of  my next hot
rod. I am planning to build a twin turbo, intercooled small block Chevrolet
for one of my Camaros, a '68 convertible. A dyi-efi is high on my list of

		Has anyone used the Intel 8XC196 series microcontrollers for
diy-efi? The reason I ask is that I have an ICE (in circuit emulator) that
would be very helpful for this type of a project.  I originally came by this
when I was investigating a dyi data acquisition system but didn't have the
resources to complete (both time and skill). 

		Don Berry

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