Holden Commodore, Insurance, Aerodynamics.
Danny Barrett
danny_tb at postoffice.utas.edu.au
Thu Apr 30 08:33:58 GMT 1998
I've just been told that the VN/VP V8s should drop straight in. I believe
the VC V8 engines would drop straight in, but my concern was that the motors
on the VL and later were slightly different due to the different
crossmembers, etc. ie. like the VL 3L motor - VC would need crossmember mods
to fit it, and then a VL steering rack would possibly have to be put in
(sounds like a pain in the butt to me...). Anyway, I'll get more opinions
before I decide to either go for the V8, or shelve the idea. Thanks for your
Danny Barrett.
PS: How would my stock standard 2.8L inline 6 go on AVGAS (I assume it's
>I see your point, I don't know if the VC used the same cross member for the 6
>and 8 or whether they were different (if it's a part of the front end, ie not
>detachable, I'll bet it's the same one, just change engine mount), anyway just
>give any Holden dealer or wrecker a call. Mileage wise, don't know that
>either, but it would have to be very similar to that of the VN/VP, go to a
>library and look through the old issues of Wheels Magazine for the VN or VP
>road test.
>Red motor head, yes referring back to the Kingswood motors, and no its not
>built for ULP, in fact it prefers a 70/30 super/avgas mix. I agree with
>staying away from the Nissan 3L, it's a very nice motor in the Nissan, but
>you'll have air pocket problem in the Commodore due to radiator mounting
>Dan dzorde at soanar.com.au
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Danny Barrett [SMTP:danny_tb at postoffice.utas.edu.au]
>Sent: Wednesday, 29 April, 1998 5:11 PM
>To: diy_efi at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu
>Subject: RE: Holden Commodore, Insurance, Aerodynamics.
>I like the idea of the extra power from the V8, but are you SURE that the
>VN/VP V8s will drop straight in??? I don't want the bother of stuffing
>around with crossmember modifications, and the like. This is my one and only
>car, and I can't afford to have it off the road for too long (putting in a
>VK EFI would have it off the road for long enough, as it is...). In any
>case, what sort of mileage might I get with the 5.0, and a 5 speed box?
>I assume that by a "red motor head" you mean the head from a VB, or earlier,
>and not the red head from an EFI Black motor??? Is your red motor converted
>for ULP??? And please don't tell me to get a 3.0L VL motor... Firstly,
>they're the noisiest brutes I've come across, and secondly, I have heard
>nasty things about having to do all sorts of crossmember mods (otherwise, I
>would go for the VL over the VK any day...).
>How can I get into contact with Shannons??? I live in Hobart, is there an
>office down here?
>Thanks for the advice...
>Danny Barrett.
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