Ask for engine models

pisa pisa at
Mon Aug 10 17:15:39 GMT 1998

Hi Everybody,

             I am working as postgraduate student on some project related
to engine management and I will be very pleased, if somebody can
advice me some good articles and URLs about engine models.
Matlab and simulink models will be great too.

What we have already done :

We have designed ignition control with 80C552 processor.
All parameters and maps can be changed from on-board
portable PC. Values of actual pressure, RPM, temperature etc.
can be read and stored on HD and then analyzed.

Our prototype was tested for 6 months on Skoda Forman car.
Czech company Magneton is testing this prototype on
city bus reconstructed for methane gas.

Our actual research goal is optimization of engine cycle on road.
We wanted to measure engine torque. This is little problematic,
it means to cut some shaft and add tensometric torque sensor.
So we decided to try measure cylinder pressure and reconstruct
P-V diagram, torque and effectiveness. We have drill hole into one cylinder.
We are relatively poor, so we have decided to try design our own
pressure piezoelectric sensor. We are waiting now, if it can work ????
If it will, I will announce it construction to everybody interested in it. 

We are thinking about 68376 for future projects.

Again, I need some good engine model.
If you have seen good one,  say me about it, please.

		Thank in advance 
				Pavel Pisa
				pisa at

PS: Please CC reply to my e-mail too.

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