Supercharger info
Chris Morriss
crsm at
Wed Aug 12 18:56:22 GMT 1998
In message < at>, Mike
Morrin <mikem at> writes
>>Chris Morriss wrote:
>>> Imagine that the engine is
>>> loaded such that it requires the same amount of fuel per revolution at
>>> 6000 rpm as it does at 2000 rpm. The MAF at 6000 rpm is going to be
>>> roughly 3 times as much as at 2000,
>Are you saying that the air/fuel ratio is varying in proportion to RPM?
>smells fishy to me...
>Mike Morrin
No I was saying just the opposite. If you fired the injectors once per
engine rev, with the pulse duration directly related to MAF, then you
would get a varying A/F ratio.
Have a look at the books that explain how L-jet works. You'll see that
there is a rather crude multivibrator division circuit to get it all
Chris Morriss
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