broken turbo

James Ballenger ballengerj at
Thu Dec 17 10:38:22 GMT 1998

"West, David" wrote:

> Secondly, when this oil burns will it be mainly whitish
> smoke?

White smoke = water
Blue smoke = oil
Black smoke = rich

I've had all three on one engine ;-)

> Thirdly, should this oil be present throughout the intake
> manifold or is it fine enough mist that it is hard to detect.

You will be able to see it on the plugs.

> I think that a have a major enrichment problem as my plugs are fouling
> quickly and my car is not driveable.

Plugs fouled by too rich fuel will have lots of carbon suit on them, like
a black powder.  Plugs fouled by oil will be greasy and sticky, It can
build up and even clog the gap.

Sounds like you have a serious oil leak somewhere.  I haven't had any
turbo experience so I can't tell you if it is coming from there.

James Ballenger

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