water injection

Greg Hermann bearbvd at sni.net
Sun Dec 20 16:00:22 GMT 1998

>> True enough, if it is an open system. But the real culprit is oxygen
>> dissolved in the water. "De-aerated" water is not particularly corrosive.
>> Wet steam is ABRASIVE as anything, not really corrosive--about like
>> sand-blasting--this is why a head gasket leak will clean a chamber. And why
>> letting the steam in a steam turbine go wet will wipe out the turbine
>> blades in a HUGE hurry.
>Errmmm... I thought it was cavitation.
>> >

Wet steam is little bits of water at high velocity (carried in the
steam--like sand-blasting.

Cavitation is little bubbles of vapor (steam) in a lot of water collapsing.
When the bubble is bounded partly by a part (like a pump impeller) , the
impact of the large bulk of the liquid on the part after collapse of the
bubble is horrendous, and the culprit. Sort of the same process, but turned
inside out.

>Well here I must say that just as with NOx, it is a question of whether
>you want to have performance "on motor" or "anything goes". It flatters
>my ego more to kick a** on motor and controllers alone because I know I
>can do it again and again provided I keep my car in good tune, whereas
>this guy is a bit embarrassed when the bottle peters out or the mixture
>is nowhere to be found...

ME TOO! But water is cheap and usually available--If it turns out that I
can get lower bsfc at cruise, longer engine life AND more HP, all on
cheaper fuel, I am ready to explore the possibilities, and then try it!
Pride has its limits!!

>> Regards, Greg
>Helene V.
>"If it ain't broke, make it faster"
>Celica Supra 1982 & 1983
>Owners of the great Celica Supra cars welcome to mk2 at onelist.com  :)

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