broken turbo

David A. Cooley n5xmt at
Mon Dec 21 12:13:07 GMT 1998

At 09:49 PM 12/20/98 -0500, you wrote:
>><< I am getting injector pulse width of 2.4 msec at 1000 rpm. This is
>> more than 1/5 total width. Based on an engine that produces 200 bhp at
>> around 6000 rpm this means that I am injecting enough fuel for about
>> 40 hp. This can't be right.

Just remember that the whole 2.4ms isn't fuel spray... the injectors have
some latency on open and close so you're probably closer to 1.8-2.0ms
actual open time.
           David Cooley N5XMT           Internet: N5XMT at
     Packet: N5XMT at KQ4LO.#INT.NC.USA.NA   T.A.P.R. Member #7068
       I am Pentium of Borg...division is will be approximated.

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