Holley 4Di Download File Format

Eidson, Mark mark.eidson at intel.com
Tue Dec 29 20:38:12 GMT 1998

No.  I'm talking about the eev21 download file that programs the ECU.  me

-----Original Message-----
From: cosmic.ray at juno.com [mailto:cosmic.ray at juno.com]
Sent: Monday, December 28, 1998 8:13 PM
To: diy_efi at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu
Subject: Re: Holley 4Di Download File Format

On Mon, 28 Dec 1998 08:29:02 -0800 "Eidson, Mark" <mark.eidson at intel.com>
>Does anyone know what functions are in the different fields of the
>4Di download file.  Some of the parameters that are not accessible using
>mapping software provided I would like to modify using a text editor.

Are you talking about the HONDO file?  The file can be exported as a
comma delimited file.  Here's a sample of the first few records. 
Unfortunately, it wrapped when I pasted it into the editer.  I know what
os in some of the fields.  Any speculations about the rest are welcome.

RECORD               Record number
HOUR,MINUTE,SECOND   Hours, Minutes, Seconds according to computer clock
MAP       Manifold Absolute Pressure
THROT     Throttle angle (30 degrees is closed)
AIR øF    Air Temperature, degrees F
ENG øF    Coolant Temperature, degrees F
RPM       RPM
FUEL F    Final Fuel (units)
OXY COR   O2 Correction (percent)
MODE      Mode ???
DESIRD    Desired Idle (static)
NEUTRAL   Neutral ???
KNOCK     Knock Retard (not used on my vehicle)
SA        Spark Advance (not used on my vehicle YET)
OXY       O2 voltage (*100)
VOLT      Battery voltage
RMLIM     Rev Limiter setting (static)
INJDUR    Injecter Duration (microseconds)
RMDUR     RM Duration ???  Duration offset ???
ACC       Accellerater Compensation
MAPNAME   Name of fuel map used in ECU (static)
PROGNAME  Name of program ??? (I don't recall entering any program)
OILPRES   Oil pressure switch (limits RPM to 2000 when high)
RIGNTYP   Ignition Type (Ford or GM) 
IDLPOS    Idle Position (Units)  -- What is this?
ONTIME    On Time Enrichment  -- What is this?
SPACE    Space key (used to mark events)
ECU-SER  Serial number of ECU
PRG-SER  Serial number of ROM

      1, 19, 14,  9,  56,  38,  64, 189,  1585,  78, -22,   4,  750,   0,
 0.0, 16.2,  89, 14.5,  5100,  3055,  80,   0,try011  ,TESTHP03, 43.9,OK 
,----,  200,    0,    0,----,201464,73H 1082
      2, 19, 14,  9,  57,  38,  64, 189,  1602,  81, -23,   4,  750,   0,
 0.0, 16.9,  82, 14.5,  5100,  3031,  80,   0,try011  ,TESTHP03, 43.9,OK 
,----,  200,    0,    0,----,201464,73H 1082
      3, 19, 14,  9,  57,  38,  64, 189,  1569,  78, -24,   4,  750,   0,
 0.0, 16.2,  86, 14.5,  5100,  3007,  80,   0,try011  ,TESTHP03, 43.9,OK 
,----,  200,    0,    0,----,201464,73H 1082
      4, 19, 14,  9,  58,  38,  64, 189,  1602,  80, -24,   4,  750,   0,
 0.0, 16.2,  72, 14.5,  5100,  3055,  80,   0,try011  ,TESTHP03, 43.9,OK 
,----,  200,    0,    0,----,201464,73H 1082
      5, 19, 14,  9,  58,  38,  64, 189,  1587,  79, -25,   4,  750,   0,
 0.0, 16.2,  65, 14.5,  5100,  3031,  80,   0,try011  ,TESTHP03, 43.9,OK 
,----,  200,    0,    0,----,201464,73H 1082
      6, 19, 14,  9,  58,  38,  64, 189,  1587,  79, -25,   4,  750,   0,
 0.0, 16.2,  75, 14.5,  5100,  3031,  80,   0,try011  ,TESTHP03, 43.9,OK 
,----,  200,    0,    0,----,201464,73H 1082
      7, 19, 14, 10,  59,  38,  64, 189,  1584,  78, -26,   4,  750,   0,
 0.0, 16.2,  40, 14.5,  5100,  3080,  80,   0,try011  ,TESTHP03, 43.9,OK 
,----,  200,    0,    0,----,201464,73H 1082
      8, 19, 14, 10,  59,  38,  64, 189,  1580,  83, -23,   4,  750,   0,
 0.0, 16.2,  73, 14.5,  5100,  3055,  80,   0,try011  ,TESTHP03, 43.9,OK 
,----,  200,    0,    0,----,201464,73H 1082
      9, 19, 14, 10,  60,  38,  64, 189,  1573,  83, -23,   4,  750,   0,
 0.0, 16.9,   6, 14.5,  5100,  3080,  80,   0,try011  ,TESTHP03, 43.9,OK 
,----,  200,    0,    0,----,201464,73H 1082
     10, 19, 14, 10,  59,  38,  64, 189,  1550,  83, -23,   4,  750,   0,
 0.0, 16.2,   5, 14.5,  5100,  3031,  80,   0,try011  ,TESTHP03, 43.9,OK 
,----,  200,    0,    0,----,201464,73H 1082

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