12V DC to 24V DC converter

Eric Schumacher e.schumacher at postoffice.worldnet.att.net
Fri Feb 6 03:22:47 GMT 1998

One approach is to get a small 12 VDC to 117 VAC inverter. These are kinda
common these days for powering Laptops and such in the car. they usually run
about 29 ~39 dollars or so. Take it apart and add a diode from each
collector/drain to a common point.  This point will be double the input
supply voltage with a power rating about double that for which the inverter
is rated when delivering 60 HZ. That is because the inverter is only
developing the difference between the input voltage and the output voltage.

At 06:58 PM 2/5/98 -0000, you wrote:
>Does anyone on the list have schematic or info how to build 12V DC to 24V step
>up converter.
>Friend of mine has a small automotive gas heater. This gas heater has
>electric control box & small fan that draws approx. 0.7 amp & 24V DC as of the 
>data plate. He is to use this heater in his 12v power source Travel Van.
>Thanks in advance,
>Pls. Reply to email hlynurt at islandia.is
Lotsa Luck Eric
85 GTI with VR6 power

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