trying to crack mid-80s Chrysler serial code
clendenc at
Fri Feb 6 19:32:22 GMT 1998
Chris Papademetrious wrote:
> Hello folks!
> I'm a brand-new list member. I've owned mid 80's Chrysler turbo cars for a
> few years. Anyone fortunate enough (?) to own one of these beasts knows
> that they are only happy if fed alot of attention. Well since my car is
> always doing something odd, I thought it would be nice to see the car
> - Chris
The 2 pice EFI setup uses a 7812 baud TTL/CMOS level signal. The Serial
data is sent from the processor through a MC14584 schmitt trigger which
I believe also inverts the signal.
You should be able to make a cable to plug into a PC from the diagnostic
port of the car by using a invertor chip and a max232 or other ttl->
rs-232 shifter. I have the pinout of the diagnostic connector and a
multitide of other info on that ECU if you want.
These ECM's have the capability to "test" various outputs such as spark,
idle motor, solonoids, ... by having the scanner send the right
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