KISS System

xxalexx at xxalexx at
Tue Feb 24 02:16:36 GMT 1998

> Date:          Mon, 23 Feb 1998 13:19:13 -0800
> To:            diy_efi at, <diy_efi at>
> From:          Frederic Breitwieser <frederic.breitwieser at>
> Subject:       Re: KISS System
> Reply-to:      diy_efi at

> >    This system worked very well, was efficient, and very drivable
> >which suggests to me that this in enough information to do the job
> >well.  The objective after all is to maintain a given air fuel ratio.
> The only thing I see with this, as a disadantage, is that the ECM or
> mechanical system has to make assumptions about the running environment -
> either through a map located in the ECM PROM, or some other means.  Though,
> what is a carbuerator?  Its basically an assumption process.  This is why
> carbs have problems when they are moved signiicantlly higher or lower
> altitude wide - its environment changed too drastically.
I like to compare carburator and FI as analog and digital systems.
like stereo systems.  The analog tubes have better qualites and so do
transistor logic.  carbs or much more responsive in many areas, but
FI has more control.  I work next to Billy Mitchel Hard Core Racing
who developed the injectorator for drag racing which combines the
properties of fuel injection and carburators, there was a recent 
magazine article on this.

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