FW: MAF Upgrad
xxalexx at ix.netcom.com
xxalexx at ix.netcom.com
Tue Feb 24 04:08:00 GMT 1998
> Date: Mon, 23 Feb 1998 16:54:37 -0800 (PST)
> From: James Weiler <james at brc.ubc.ca>
> To: diy_efi at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu
> Cc: diy_efi at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu
> Subject: Re: FW: MAF Upgrad
> Reply-to: diy_efi at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu
> Time for my $0.02. As I understand your MAP is a voltage output and the
> MAF is a frequency output. If you want to run two MAF's adn you want to
> send the resulting signal to where the MAP used to be then might I
> suggest using Ford MAFs. They output volts not freq. and thus no fancy
> converter would be needed. Problem is that their voltage vs. air flow is
> not linear. Well it is for the first part but then it approaches 5.0 V
> asumptotically. (i.e. it's geometric). I don't know how to build a
> circuit that would take the two voltages and put out an average in this
> case. It might be easier to just have one MAF supply voltage (and the
> other is a dummy) and just change your tables to compensate. i.e. assume
> that twice the amount of air is entering the engine as the MAF says there is.
> jw
> P.S. let me know how you solve this. I'd love to use two small MAFs
> instead of buying an expensive large MAF.
I think there are special function op-amp math chips that do
log linearization and average.
Today less cost to use microcontroller.
> On Mon, 23 Feb 1998 lkurek at smtpgate.anl.gov wrote:
> >
> > Now this is a cool idea!
> >
> > I could get an elbow (tee) fabricated that has one MAF going off to
> > the left, and another to the right, with dual K&N's hanging off either
> > side. Sure would look nice and run much better....
> >
> > Now, how would we go about building this "interface" box? I would
> > assume all it would take is some circuit to do a simple averaging of
> > the MAF sensor output (assuming it is a rising voltage type circuit).
> > If it was a wave output, wouldn't you have to synchronize and add the
> > two frequencies together to generate a sum?
> >
> > Just wondering....
> >
> > TTYL!
> >
> > Larry Kurek
> >
Would use a 73 PIC to input the two seperate freq. on two ports, use
timer 0 and 1 to measure frequency, convert frequency to voltage
apply any corrections, then analog output as PWM D/A using timer2.
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