EGOR Status (well, not really, but the questions were also a ruse)

steve ravet steve at
Wed Jul 15 19:16:21 GMT 1998

garfield at wrote:

> So my summary comments are:
> To Bruce, and the other good guys on the list: don't waste yer breathe;
> you're gonna find that the more you offer to give these smarmy lil
> schoolboys, the more they're gonna say you owe them, just cuz you're so
> generous.

> To the rest of you pukes on the list: Hasta la vista, baby. Hee hee. If
> you want an EGOR or an ION, go fish. I guarantee you that no matter how
> many free copies I give to the good guys on this list, no matter how
> hard you try, you'll NEVER get a copy, or even be able to STEAL a copy
> from any of them. Technology provides all the protection I need. Heh.
> Consider THAT a challenge, dweebs.
> Garfield

Garfield, please clarify my standing as either puke or good guy...

If I'm not a puke, then let me know how I can keep up with developments
on EGOR and ION.


Steve Ravet
International Meta Systems
steve at

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