Mystic (and broken) DME on -93 BMW 325i

Magnus Jansson AR/RG Magnus.Jansson at
Fri Jul 17 08:06:35 GMT 1998

I'm about to buy a -93 325i but sale guy says that the DME is broken and
must be replaced. Of course he will do that before I buy the car but
what I wonder is if the broken DME might have caused some other problems
on the car? He said the
engine spluttered and there was some mystic figures on some display. He
also said that there was some french electronic system mounted.
Is it possible that the french thing is original or is it put there by
someone else? And what is it?? Did he mean a french DME?
Anyway, he will order the new DME from Germany
because here in Sweden it's really expensive.
Well, my main question is if I should by the car or not when this has
been fixed?

Thanks in advance.
Magnus Jansson

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