MPSI serial connection...
Gregory A. Parmer
gparmer at
Mon Jul 20 03:37:18 GMT 1998
Porpoise: log data from the scantool to
a PC file.
My MPSI scantool docs were self-contradicting
and I couldn't find a DB9 pinout, but I
managed to connect my PC to the MPSI. There
still is a problem with the GND connection
that required an extra wire for reliable
(Front) 1 ---- 5 ----- (GND should not be required)
2 ---- 3
3 ---- 2
(Back) 4 ---- 4
As the injector guru, Mr Linder, pointed out to me,
this is of limited usefulness since it still only
displays 4 lines of data at a time. That'll get ya
TPS, MAP, RPM, and MPH though...which should allow
me to log the 4 values and create a fake set of
inputs for the bench system. A creative soul
could also finagle the data from a "snapshot"
to get more data points. A ProComm macro would
make this less of a hassle.
BTW- I used ProComm+, N81, vt100, and HW flow cntrl.
Lemme know if you find what's wrong with the
GND connection,
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