ECU files 2D 3D

Wayne Blair wayneb at
Wed Jul 1 00:51:49 GMT 1998


>> I didnt wite facilities for graphically viewing BIT FIELDS, tell me
>> more.
>> ( how would you like to see this info - i've a few ideas)

>KISS - Just a simple x & y-axis graph like the one I made to represent
>my jeeps timing curve

X - Y for a bit pattern ? not sure what ya thinking of here.


>For the things that we are editing in the prom it almost always never
>need more than a 2 axis graph, e.g... timing vs rpm, timing vs. MAP,  PE
>vs. TPS etc....Thats just my opinion, ask around as you well know
>everyone has their own idea of how things should be.. by the way
>where/how can I get a copy of promedit?  thanks Jason

Take timing as an example:
-it is in the prom as a table
- rpm on one axis 
- load / map on the other
- then we have the required timing at each co -ordinate

3 variables to plot - thus a 3D plot.

Do you want to see timing vs rpm at a select load or timing vs load at a
selected rpm ?
These options a a bit harder to code. 

Why ? (WOT conditions i can see why but that is just one edge of the 3d plot)

"promedit" is in at the diy_efi ftp site incoming directory
Though if you ask this Q then we maybe be enduring crossed-comms as I was
responding to comments about  ".ecu"  files the parameter files for


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