
Mark Romans romans at pacbell.net
Wed Jun 3 05:26:33 GMT 1998

Hi Jim:  This isn't exactly what you are looking for, BUT.....  I put a
200R4 in a Jag (Along with a 350) a few years ago and in searching for an
elegant but simple solution went through some old shop manuals for pre ecm
cars and ended up using some diesel stuff.  There is a governor pressure
switch on a 200R4 and you can get pressure switches that close at a wide
variety of pressures,  since the governor pressure approximates 1 LB/mph I
bought a 52lb pressure switch and used it as the ground for the tcc.  Power
was supplied through the brake switch, (Open when brakes applied), through a
low vacuum switch,  opened at about 2" of vacuum.  TCC worked PERFECT!  I
just wish the 700R4 in the next Jag had a gov pressure tap too!
Hope this helps.
-----Original Message-----
From: JE Messler <messler at streetrodframes.com>
To: diy_efi at esl.eng.ohio-state.edu <diy_efi at esl.eng.ohio-state.edu>
Date: Tuesday, June 02, 1998 7:19 AM
Subject: Switch

>I would like to build a switch that would receive a signal from a VSS
>used on  General Motors transmissions.  This switch, a 4 pulse model,
>would activate the torque converter lock up solenoid on a TH2004R
>transmission.  I would like to be able to program the lock up speed to a
>specific mph.
>Could someone in your group help me with this?
>Jim Messler
>Messler Products Company

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