eec egr scheme
Peter Jaramaz
pjaramaz at
Tue Jun 9 05:52:20 GMT 1998
Hi All,
I was under the impression that a lean mixture burns quicker (and hotter)
than a relatively richer mixture.
Doesn't the the EGR value release exhaust gases into the combustion process
hence relatively richening the mixture i.e exhaust gases displace clean
From: James Weiler
Sent: Monday, June 08, 1998 3:14 PM
To: diy_efi at
Cc: diy_efi at
Subject: Re: eec egr scheme
Uhmmmm john. I don't know about fuel delivery but the main difference is
ignition timing. When the ECU opens the EGR valve (and the EGR valve
position sensor confirms this) then ECU also advances the timing. This
is to make up for the leaner mixture because lean mixtures burn slower
thus the advance timing. The ECU does not lean things out at all.
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