
Dave Williams dave.williams at
Sat Jun 13 16:12:49 GMT 1998

-> All rights reserved, and written permission of the publisher needed.


-> Well if the addresses for the publisher are no longer valid, and the
-> publisher is no longer a publisher, since the magazine is no longer
-> in print, where does one stand on coping things..
-> If you actually know, please let me know, no quessing please..

 Even if the copyright holder cannot be contacted, the copyright is
still valid until its term runs out.

 In this case, the copyright is held by John De Armond, presently
residing in Cleveland, Tennessee.  He's in the phone book.

==dave.williams at
I've got a secret / I've been hiding / under my skin / | Who are you?
my heart is human / my blood is boiling / my brain IBM |   who, who?

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