Another aw, can't be done

Bruce Plecan nacelp at
Sat Jun 20 02:25:20 GMT 1998

-----Original Message-----
From: xxalexx at <xxalexx at>
Subject: Re: Another aw, can't be done

I could write simple program to run the data as a rs232
ouput.  Maybe use OBD2  J1979 or 2190 packets to download to PIC. or a
multiple bus with CAN

The above I just don't have any knowledge of so I can't comment,
on them as sources for info., etc.

How many D/A's do you need?

If D/A means digitial to analog, meaning from the recorded data to
analog that we can input to the ecm., the ecm needs inputs for
rpm. tps, vss, coolant temp., IAT, TCC, MAP/MAF  comments welcome.

Actuallly I could use just pots for the coolant temp, and IAT.

Also would be nice to be able to put it into a loop, ie just repeat a
certain download, or steady state condition.


Any one with real world simulation experience, I'd really appreciate
any insights you may have.  Either from a programming point of view,
or as a user.

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