747 Timing Connector and misc questions
Bruce Plecan
nacelp at bright.net
Sun Jun 21 02:24:07 GMT 1998
-----Original Message-----
Subject: Re: 747 Timing Connector and misc questions
>Bruce Plecan wrote:
>> >I have VSS disabled, so that doesn't play a part in this equation, in
>> >the timing table the timing curve is based on RPM?
>> Did you turn the malfunction flag off?. Or are you running around
>> with
>> a SES light on?.
>Yes the malfunction flag is turned off, the ses would drive me up a
Not having totally gone thru the 747 code I acn't say this with absolute
accurracy, but quit often there is an enleanment strategy for deccleration.
>> There is a hot spark bias adder, cold spark bias adder, then there is
>> a WOT/PE sparker adder, then the MAP/RPM spark table, those are
>> for openers, and there may be more on the 747.
>Wow, I am still kinda behind in all this stuff, I am gonna have to find
>out where those other tables are, timing is really what I need to work
>on first.
At incoming 332 there are two items you might want to read before
ya go to far, about tuning. Fuel, and timing go hand and hand.
>> I don't mean to sound like I'm talking down to anyone if that is what
>> is
>> meant in that last comment. I'm just trying to explain things.
>Sorry for the way that sounded, thats what I don't like about this
>media, cant read tone or sarcasm.
>> If you look in the archives there are a bunch of timing tables, and
>> descriptions of things. Ain't no one ignorant around here.
>I am having a real hard time finding my way around the archives, I have
>read everything that comes up when I search for "101", "programming",
>"tuning" and "747". Am I not looking in the right place?
Right place, now try timing spark tuning maps tables fuel 747 1227747, vss,
then time available read em start to finish a couple
times. I'm getting some what versed in this and am working at
editing the archives month by month which means reading them
yet again.
If you want to come to better terms with some of the tables names
switchs etc, try syty, and be sure to get promgrammer and read it
closely many times, and then the treprom at gn.
I also read
>the stuff in 332-incomming. Any suggestions? Again, sorry for the way I
>came across, it was more of a compliment to those out there who have
>spent the time and deserve the credit. As always thanks for everything
>and until next time, Jason
>Jason Weir - 88 YJ - 258 / Howell TBI 145K and counting
>Fayetteville, North Carolina
>JTW Web pages at http://home.att.net/~jweir
>mailto:jweir at worldnet.att.net
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