Chevy big and small block engines

Alain toussaint alaint at
Tue Jun 23 00:41:49 GMT 1998

> INHO any dampening ruins throttle response, been there done that.
> Just go with Alpha-N.   TPS, and RPM for the individual throttle
> body ideas.
> Just my .02
> Bruce

does such a system would be useable on the street (i.e.drivability,i know
that some holley system where based on that but i never driven one or
being passenger in such vehicule).

on another topic,i finished moving (and i very much like the place
here),got a new provider (and i get a Cable-Modem connection friday),my
e-mail address (if any of you don't look at the reply-to field or if i
messed up thing there) is:

alaint at

Alain "3 or 4 computer are on my buying list...oups..i forgot a
car,deadline: 2 year" Toussaint

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